Friday, May 30, 2008

A Raisin In The Sun Act 3

1. Why didn’t Beneatha want to be a doctor anymore?
Beneatha didn't want to be a doctor anymore because with the money from the insurance, Walter made an investement with some guy and now all the money is gone.

2. How did Asagai define “idealists” and “realists”?
People who dream and not give up are called idealists and people who only think that you can't see the end and therefore you can't see the changes in the end.

3. What does Asagai ask Beneatha to do?
Asagai asks Beneatha to come home to Nigeria with him.

4. What fault does Mama find with herself?
Mama think that she always aims to high with things.

5. What solution does Walter have?
Walter's solution is to take the deal that Lindner offered, which was that he would pay them to not live in Clybourne Park.

6. Why didn’t Walter take the money Lindner offered?
Walter didn't take the money that Lindner offered because he said that his family is proud and that his father earned it for them, brick by brick.

7. What metaphorical significance does the small plant have for the Youngers?
The small plant metaphorical signifies that they may have a brighter future.

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